Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp

Vol 110: In slow motion

BRAIN: The human brain is as mysterious, wonderous & awe-inspiring as the entire solar system

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Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp

Vol 109: Nothing to lose

PULMONARY EMBOLISM: Over a hundred years ago, life was remarkably different from what it is today.

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Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp

Vol 105: The Vanishing Sun

PARALYSIS: A sense of immortality is the right of the young who ignore the reality of the obituaries

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Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp

Vol 99: A different path

WALKING AWAY: During rainstorms it can sometimes feel as though the world has just stopped spinning.

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Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp

Vol 97: This wound so deep

BRAIN TUMOR: As blanketed as it may initially sound, humans enjoy and rely upon the concept of order.

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Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp Dr. Kenneth D. Kemp

Vol 91: The load we carry

PEDIATRIC DEAFNESS: Doctors told Emily with a modicum of certainty that she’d never be able to have children.

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