Vol 35: A wrinkle or two
AGING & SERVICE: At some point in time, we’ve all inherently benefited from the immeasurable sacrifices of our forefathers.
Vol 34: My solemn vow
BRAIN ANEURYSM: When two people choose to marry and unite their lives into one, they make a legally binding contractual commitment to be together and love one another from that day forward, in sickness and in health.
Vol 33: Even bright stars fall
AORTIC RUPTURE: Throughout the course of our lifetime, there is an unwavering and universal truth that we must all accept.
Vol 32: Through thick and thin
BREAST CANCER: Relationships, both romantic and platonic, are often complicated and even ones that have lasted for years can begin to wane beneath the pressure of distance and time.
Vol 31: The sound of silence
HEARING LOSS: Navigating throughout life with hearing difficulties poses many challenges that are often overlooked by the general public.
Vol 30: What lies beneath
COLON CANCER: There was a time growing up in Nassau, and perhaps many places, when finding out someone had cancer was so rare that it was considered shocking.
Vol 29: As the orchids bloom
ENDOMETRIOSIS: A popular theory amongst gardeners is that the lunar cycle can affect plant growth.
Vol 28: Shelter from the storm
APPENDICITIS: In January of this year, the biggest volcanic eruption in three decades occurred in Tonga, a Polynesian country consisting of 169 islands scattered throughout the Southern Pacific Ocean.
Vol 27: A pebble in the wheel, part 2
PART 2: Following four years of the most agonizing chest pain imaginable, my patient was wheeled into the operating theater for her third heart surgery.
Vol 26: A pebble in the wheel, part 1
PART 1: Very few individuals can comprehend the intense and extreme mental toll placed on a person when multiple loved ones become sick at the same time.
Vol 25: If minutes become days
ALCOHOLISM: Recently, one of my patients relayed her experience growing up with an alcoholic family member and she shares her story with you today.
Vol 24: The Sum of Many
CONGENITAL PORENCEPHALY: A common saying, widely attributed to ancient African cultures, asserts that it takes a village to raise a child
Vol 23: Our Winter’s Parade
CROHN’S DISEASE: Spread across the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, the chain of islands that encompass The West Indies are ripe with cultural observances.
Vol 22: From dawn to sunset
ETERNAL LOVE: The proprietor of my after-school day care loved to watch soap operas.
Vol 21: A Ram in the bush
RAPE: None of us can recall the exact details of the day that we’re born so our knowledge of that day is limited to what our parents tell us.
Vol 20: Lord of the manor
DOMESTIC ABUSE: Getting punched in the eye is a different experience altogether from getting punched anywhere else on the body.
Vol 19: When tomorrow never comes
DEATH: At any given moment, we will all die. How, when or where will never truly be known in advance.
Vol 18: Everything Irie
DIET and COVID-19: Have you ever noticed that members of the Rastafarian community have largely remained relatively unscathed by the Covid-19 pandemic?
Vol 17: No cage too small
PRISON: There’s a stark difference between being captured and imprisoned versus being born into captivity.
Vol 16: The Enemy Within
SCHIZOPHRENIA: Every parent has a dream for their child. Some have intricate plans of what schools they should attend and what career they should choose.